A downloadable game for Windows

Bombs Away is a top-down shoot-em-up based around the NATO bombings during the Kosovo War. The player plays as one of NATO's stealth bombers, their mission is to infiltrate Kosovo's airspace and bomb some buildings deemed High value targets by higher command. Your mission is not to question, just deliver. The game counts with 3 different levels which include slightly different types of game-play and objectives per level.

The project was made during a 4 week game jam based on using Processing 3 as a game creation tool. All of the game's assets were created from scratch completely using Processing. Everything was made inside the processing editor except the loading and tutorial screens due to time constraints. If you are interested about the process of creating the game, a detailed description is available in:  https://www.behance.net/gallery/114475403/Bombs-Away

Created by: Nicolás Gómez V

Author's note: There are several bugs which are known, and have not been fixed given the limited scope of the project.


BombsAway-win64.zip 78 MB

Install instructions

To play: Download the .zip file, unzip it, and run the executable. (don't remove the .exe from its original folder)

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